Life in the Cloud

Cyber Security Collection

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The Cloud | Online Training

Life in the Cloud

The cloud provides flexibility and cost-effective storage solutions, delivered via a variety of service models. But even though it has so much to offer, using the cloud isn’t without its risks. This course will explain the basics of cloud storage and its common vulnerabilities. And it’ll walk you through developing and maintaining a cloud security strategy, to boot.

Learning Outcomes

• Explain the basics of cloud storage• Identify common cloud storage vulnerabilities that a business is prone to • Develop a cloud security strategy to protect your business• Maintain your cloud security strategy to minimise future threats

What you will learn

“Data cloud? What’s that?” “No, nan, THE cloud. I thought everyone knew what that was by now”. Unfortunately, if they do know, they often don’t know that storing data in the cloud can have some unexpected security threats. This cyber security training course explains the basics of cloud storage and helps you develop and maintain a cloud security strategy to minimise those threats.

Who I this course for

Anyone who stores data would find this online safety training course useful. If you have a computer, you might save that data locally or to a portable drive, but cloud data is usually a good option. It’s also an increasingly common one that your computer might already be using, whether you realise it or not.


Everyone has the right to learn and learner need can vary demanding on environment or disabilities. This course comes with transcripts so people have text options for an media, subtitles for all videos and is screen reader friendly with alternative text.We take a number of steps to ensure visuals and navigation is easy for your people. For more information on the steps we take for accessibility check out how we make our courses.

  • Collection
    Cyber Security Collection
  • Course Title
    Life in the Cloud
  • Duration
  • Courses in Collection

Collection includes:

  • Library of related content
  • Robust management platform
  • Mobile access
  • Tutorials, videos, SCORM Content
  • Microlearning Courses