Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 1,2023

 This Privacy Policy governsthe way Skills Council of Canada collects, uses, maintains,and discloses information collected from users(referred to as "Users") of the website(referred to as the "Site").

 Contact Information:

If after reviewing ourpolicy, you have additional questions, want moreinformation about our privacy practices, or would like to make a complaint,please contact us at

 Skills Council of Canada iscommitted to ensuring the protection of personal information of our employees,customers, stakeholders and users of the Skills Council of Canada web site. Itis fundamental to the way we work and in all our relationships, either on oroff the Internet: we are committed to keeping personal information accurate, confidential, secure and private.

Skills Council of Canadacollects personal information about you only when you knowingly and willinglyprovide it, and we will not share or otherwise profit from the distribution ofpersonal data beyond the use it was provided tofulfill.

Our practices conform to PIPEDAand the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Model Code for the Protectionof Personal Information (CAN/CSA – Q830-06). The code consists of teninter-related principles which are outlined below.

1. Accountability

Skills Council of Canada is responsible for all personal information under itscontrol including any personal information disclosedto third parties for processing.

2. Identifying Purposes

Skills Council of Canadawill identify the purposes for collecting personalinformation; prior to or at the time it is being provided. Personal informationwill not be used for a purpose not previously identifiedwithout further individual consent unless the new purpose is required by law.

3. Consent

The knowledge and consentof the customer are required for the collection,use or disclosure of customer information, except where that information isdepersonalized for generic demographic analysis. Skills Council of Canada will provide full opportunity to consent when appropriate and necessary.

4. Limiting Collection

The collection of personalinformation shall be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by Skills Council of Canada.

5.  Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention

Personal information willnot be used or disclosed for purposes other thanthose for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual oras required by law. Personal information shall be retainedonly as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.

6. Accuracy

Personal information shallbe as accurate, complete, and up to date as isnecessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.

7. Safeguarding CustomerInformation

Skills Council of Canada protectspersonal information with safeguards appropriate tothe sensitivity of the information.

8. Openness

Skills Council of Canadawill make specific information about its personal information managementpolicies and practices readily available to any member of the general public.

9. Customer Access

Upon request, SkillsCouncil of Canada will inform individuals of the existence, use, and disclosureof their personal information and provide access tothat information. An individual shall be able to verify the accuracy andcompleteness of their information, and may requestthat it be amended, as appropriate.

10. Handling CustomerComplaints and Suggestions

Skills Council of Canada willprovide procedures to receive and respond tocomplaints or inquiries about policies and practices relating to the handlingof personal information.


Cookies are small textfiles transferred to your hard drive by a web server. Because cookies only contain text, they cannot transmita virus or damage your system. They are commonly used to determinereturn visitors to a site, record your preferences, shopping cart activity,registration information, pages viewed, or items purchased.

Skills Council of Canada onlyuses cookies to allow users to maintain a logged instate when accessing Skills Council of Canada’s web services or private memberareas. No personal information is involved in providing this feature.

You have the option to set your browser to either accept cookiesopenly, to notify you before accepting cookies, orto refuse cookies altogether.

Limitation of Liability

Complete confidentialityand security is not yet possible over the Internet.Internet use and communication is subject tointerception, loss and alteration. On whichever site you providepersonal information, it is possible for a third party to view thatinformation. You acknowledge and agree that Skills Council of Canada shall notbe responsible for any damages you may suffer as aresult of the transmission of confidential or sensitive information overthe Internet, and that all such communications will be at your own risk.

Personal InformationCollection

We may collect personalidentification information from Users in several ways, including, but notlimited to, when Users visit our Site, fill out a form, subscribe to ournewsletter, respond to a survey, or engage in other activities, services,features, or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked fortheir name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and other relevantdetails. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collectpersonal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuseto supply personal identification information; however, it may prevent themfrom engaging in certain Site-related activities.

Non-Personal InformationCollection

We may collect non-personalidentification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site.Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the typeof computer or device used to access the Site, the operating system, the Internetservice providers, and other similar information.

How We Use CollectedInformation

Skills Council of Canadamay collect and use Users' personal information for the following purposes:

·      Toimprove customer service: Information providedhelps us respond to customer service requests and support needs moreefficiently.

·      Topersonalize the user experience: We may use information inthe aggregate to understand how our Users as a group use the services andresources provided on our Site.

·      Toimprove our Site: We may use feedback provided toimprove our products and services.

·      Tosend periodic emails: We may use the email address to respond to inquiries,questions, and/or other requests. If a User decides to opt-in to our mailinglist, they will receive emails that may include company news, updates, relatedproduct or service information, etc. If at any time the User would like tounsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include detailed unsubscribeinstructions at the bottom of each email.

How We Protect YourInformation

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage, and processingpractices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access,alteration, disclosure, or destruction of your personal information, username,password, transaction information, and data stored on our Site.

Sharing Your PersonalInformation

We do not sell, trade, orrent Users' personal identification information to others. We may share genericaggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identificationinformation regarding visitors and users with ourbusiness partners, trusted affiliates, and advertisers for the purposesoutlined above.


Skills Council of Canadareserves the right to update and amend this policy as it’s deemed necessary or appropriateto do so. Please check back often to be apprised of any changes. Thisversion was updated on 24 May 2023.